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Industry Support | AANN

Connect with over 400 stroke nurses by exhibiting at AANN Advances in Stroke Care Conference.

Exhibit and Sponsorship Application

Maximize Your Opportunity! Join us at the Advances in Stroke Care Conference in Houston, TX. 

5 Reasons to Exhibit at the Advances in Stroke Care Conference
1. Over 400 neuroscience nurses attend each year.
2. This is the premier event for organizations promoting advances in stroke care.
3. Attendees are a highly engaged audience who are eager to engage with industry.
4. A more focused exhibit area makes recognition even more impactful.
5. The conference has multiple opportunities to make connections with your target audience.

Thank you to our educational grantors, Medtronic and the Stryker Corporation, for their support.


Stroke Care Conference Exhibit Hours:


Thursday, August 1, 2024

5:00-6:30 pm CDT 

Opening Reception with Exhibitors & Posters


Friday, August 2, 2024

 9:15-10:00 am CDT

Breakfast with Exhibitors & Posters

12:10-1:00 pm CDT 

Lunch with Exhibitors & Posters

 3:10-3:40 pm CDT

Break with Exhibitors & Posters


Saturday, August 3, 2024

 7:00-8:00 am CDT

Breakfast with Exhibitors & Posters

 10:10-10:40 am CDT

Break with Exhibitors & Posters

Note: Hours are in CDT and are subject to change.

To learn more about exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, contact:

Olivia Diehl
AANN Industry Relations Manager

Thank you to our 2023 Exhibitors!

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 Chiesi Logo 1.Primary  the gideons  IDMED couleurs vectorisé jpg  Silver Medtronic art logo rgb bl
 Neuroptics Logo CMYK R 2022Rev1 wTag  NIH NINDS Master Logo 2Color  UK Healthcare StrokeCareNetwork  RapidAI CMYK